Our Services
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Free Estimates
Please call us for a free estimate on any electrical repair or electrical project. We will be happy to give you any information that you may need as well as a free written estimate.
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TV, Telephone, Data Cable
Why hire two different companies when one company can do it all? We can do many different types of wiring, and often at more competitive prices than companies that specialize in only one type of wiring.
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Home Safety Inspections
We believe that safety should come first. We have a special Home Safety Inspection which we use to evaluate the electrical system of any home for quality and reliability. Our inspection covers potential electrical safety issues found in a typical home's electrical system.
Some of the areas of inspection include proper electrical system grounding, conduit and wire integrity, GFCI protection, and main electrical panel functionality.
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Whole House Surge Protector
The need for surge protection has increased dramatically. This is because many electronic devices can be damaged by surges. Electronic devices sensitive to power surges occur in: security systems, computers, printers, FAX machines, telephones, small appliances, microwave ovens, refrigerators, stereos, garage door openers, and low-voltage lighting systems.
Anytime there is a power outage, there is the possibility of a power surge upon turning the power back on. Unfortunately, the cost of replacing electronic components can be monumental.
Finally there is a solution to the problem: "whole house" surge protection. Whole house surge protection is now available to the general public at a reasonable cost. Call our In-House Technician and he'll be glad to discuss whether installing a whole house surge protector would be a good option for you.
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New Construction
New construction can require skills and experience beyond that needed for residential electrical repair. We have the skills, manpower, and financial resources necessary to complete projects on time and on budget, to the complete satisfaction of both contractors and customers.
As a fully licensed electrical contracting company with considerable new construction experience, we will save you money, project delays and aggravation.
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Ceiling Fans Save Energy
Ceiling fans save you energy in both summer and winter. In summer, running a ceiling fan creates "wind-chill" on your skin. If run counter-clockwise (to avoid pulling warm air down from the ceiling), it lowers the temperature for occupants by one or two degrees. These degrees can be "bought" for less energy than with an air conditioner. And, of course, as the fan cools you rather than the air, it need only be run when you're in the room.
In the winter, if you reverse the direction so that the blades spin clockwise, the fan will pull warm air from the ceiling down into the room, again, creating savings on your energy bills. Changing the direction of spin is a matter of pushing a button.
Ceiling fans come with lights and without. We will happy to install a fan of your choice that you have purchased.
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Bucket Truck Services
Nabi Electric specializes in providing parking lot lighting for retailers, dealerships and businesses from luminance surveys to lighting system installations. Nabi Electric offers parking lot lighting including a large selection of outdoor light poles and light fixtures. With both metal halide and high pressure sodium ballast and new LED technology and light bulbs, we have a parking lot light for every parking lot application. With a choice of shoebox, cobra head or flood light fixtures we have a parking lot light for you
We are available for parking lighting services including:
* Lamp and ballast replacement
* Retrofit for energy savings
* Installing poles and fixtures
* Lens cleaning and Replacement
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Panel Upgrades
We have great prices, fast service, and because we do so many service panel upgrades, an intimate understanding of exactly what it takes to get the job done right the first time.
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Hazardous Aluminum Wiring Repair
According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), fires and even deaths have resulted from hazardous aluminum wiring installed in homes between 1965 and the mid-1970s. CPSC research shows that “homes wired with aluminum wire manufactured before 1972 are 55 times more likely to have one or more connections reach ‘Fire Hazard Conditions’ than are homes wired with copper.”
The CPSC recommends only two solutions to resolve this aluminum safety issue. One solution is to replace all of your house wiring with copper. This can be difficult and prohibitively expensive. Fortunately, the CPSC recommends a second approach which is considerably more affordable - installation of COPALUM connectors.
Installing COPALUM connectors involves “cold-welding” short lengths of copper wire to the aluminum wires by using specialized high-pressure tools to create a permanent bond.
The installation of COPALUM connectors can only be done by electricians certified in this type of repair. Our company is certified in the COPALUM repair method and can offer this service to you.
If you think your home may have been wired with unsafe aluminum wires you can call us any time for a home wiring evaluation. Should our electrician determine that your home has aluminum wiring, he will be able to advise you as to the condition of your home wiring and about making the necessary safety repairs.
Click here for a copy of the CPSC report on aluminum wiring hazards.
Service Calls
A service call, if done properly, is almost always a short job done by an electrical technician, usually to repair something that has recently stopped working.
We are known for responding quickly to the service call needs of our customers.
After all, if something electrical has stopped working, the customer wants it to work again - FAST. For this reason, we make every effort to give service calls a scheduling priority.
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Troubleshooting means "To locate the problem and then fix it." Troubleshooting can take a long time or a short time depending on the skill of the electrician doing the work.
Our electrical technicians are specially trained in troubleshooting procedure. Additionally, we have an in-house technician with years of troubleshooting experience who is available to consult with any of our field technicians if they run into a particularly unusual problem. For the customer, this means fast and accurate troubleshooting.
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New Circuits
Our technicians take pride in knowing when it is necessary to add a new circuit and how to do the job in the cleanest and most efficient way.
Building Renovations
When it's time to remodel or renovate your home or commercial building, it's important to hire an electrician familiar with older construction methods that might have been used in your building. We have this familiarity and are experienced at electrical work for remodels and renovations. Our experience will speed your job along and save you money.
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There are five basic types of lighting:
1. Traditional Light Fixtures
2. Track Lights
3. Recessed Lighting
4. Low Voltage Lighting
5. Outdoor Lighting
It is important to be aware of all the different lighting options and which kind of lighting will work best for each customer. We specialize in helping each customer select the best lighting available to fit their special needs.
Property Management
One of our specialties is Property Management work. We are sensitive to the various relationships established between tenants, management companies, and owners. We work with management companies for both residential and commercial properties.
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Commercial Properties
Commercial work can require skills and experience beyond those needed for residential electrical work. We have the skills, manpower, and financial resources necessary to complete projects on time and in budget, to the complete satisfaction of both contractors and customers.
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